The SIX STEPS Method
Client Program Terms & Conditions
Agreement Policy
This Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the policies and terms and conditions for the clients of The SIX STEPS Method Program (“Program”) created and facilitated by Guardian Angel Fitness Ltd (the “Company”).
This document lays out the Program Policy for the SIX STEPS To Transform Health Program.
By your signature below, and/or by instructing us to provide advice and services to you, you indicate your agreement to these terms.
Program Policy
Start date is defined as the date the client has decided they wish to start the program. This date is agreed upon at the time of purchase. This can not be longer than 1 month after the day of purchase. End date is determined based on 6-12 months after the start date. The end date will be given to you (based on the program purchased).
You will also receive a form 2 weeks before the end date of The SIX STEPS Method to remind you of termination. After the Program is over the Client may have the opportunity to continue in the SIX STEPS Alumni Group where additional fees apply and a different contract will be provided.
The Company has the right to modify the Program Content at any time for any reason and will ensure that the Client is provided with applicable updates if they are within the Program duration.
i) SIX STEPS Membership includes membership site portal with modules - access to Live workshops & Group Coaching for 12 months from the start date.
- ii) Private Coaching includes Zoom Coaching as needed (minimum of 12 hours) - support via What’s App - (6 month container) & SIX STEPS Membership (12 month access)
You will only have support for the time frame you have invested in. i.e.; 12 months for SIX STEPS Membership Portal and 6 months for Private Coaching.
* I am aware of the Agreement and Program Policy
SIX STEPS Membership Site access
I authorise 12 months access to The SIX STEPS membership site where all the modules and training are held. This includes any updates and add-ons.
* I am aware of access period
Customer Service
Customer support can be reached at [email protected] Monday - Friday
Please allow 2 working days to return messages.
* I agree
Program Fees
All program fees are subject to applicable taxes. N.B. There is currently no VAT on these courses.
The Client may either Pay In Full for the 12 month commitment of the SIX STEPS Membership site, £555, or pay monthly instalments of £55 pm for 12 months.
The Client may either Pay In Full for the 6 month commitment of Private Coaching, £1650, or pay monthly instalments of £300 pm for 6 months.
If the Client chooses the payment plan, they will be charged the initial payment at the time of enrolling and then they will be charged instalments every 30 days for the remaining duration of the selected payment plan.
If the Client chooses the monthly payment plan, they are responsible for ensuring that their account remains in good standing for the duration of the Program.
The Client will have 5 business days to bring their account into good standing should there be an issue with a declined payment. If the account is not brought into good standing within 5 business days, the Client’s Program will be put on hold and access will be denied until the account is brought into good standing.
If the account remains in poor standing for a duration of 15 business days, the Client’s Program will be cancelled and no refund will be provided.
* I am aware of the program fees
Intellectual Property
‘Intellectual Property’ which includes information relating to the Program’s proprietary content, including but not limited to proprietary ideas, written content, graphic content, and information regarding clients remain the sole property of the Company.
Clients do not have any right to reproduce in part or in whole any Intellectual Property for gift, resale or licence to any third party.
Clients will not use any of the Program Intellectual Property for their own business venture. Clients will not teach, discuss or reveal any of the Program’s Intellectual Property in part or in whole without the expressed written permission of the Company.
* I agree
The Client grants exclusive rights to the Company to use any partial or whole Client statements, testimonials, written, video, audio or otherwise as they see fit.
The Client agrees that any content published in relation to the Program may be used as marketing or promotional material for the Program.
The Client authorises the Company to use any statements in print publications, multimedia presentations, on websites or in any other distribution media. The Client agrees that no monetary or royalty fee will be provided. The Client waives any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, wherein the Client’s likeness or testimony for the Program appears. (This will be discussed with client FIRST before done)
* I agree
Guarantees/ Refund
The Company does not warrant, either expressly or by implication, to any aspect of the Program nor is it responsible for the success of the Program. The Client confirms and agrees that they are wholly responsible for the progress and results and that the Program (and Company) offers no warranties or guarantees of future success.
The Company does not warrant or guarantee that the Client will achieve any level of result or success using any of the materials provided by or created by the Program.
This program is non-refundable. It is your responsibility to ask for support when needed. Your results will be based on many different variables, many of which I cannot control, and therefore I cannot make any guarantees as to your outcome.
* I am aware there are no guarantees or refunds
If, at any time, we record a decline, chargeback or other rejection of a charge of any due and payable Subscription Fees on Customer’s Account (“Chargeback”), this will be considered as a breach of Customer’s payment obligations hereunder, and Customer’s use of the Service may be disabled or terminated and such use of the Service will not resume until Customer re-subscribes for any such Service, and pay any applicable Subscription Fees in full, including any fees and expenses incurred by us and/or any Third Party Service for each Chargeback received (including handling and processing charges and fees incurred by the payment processor), without derogating from any other remedy that may be applicable to us under these Terms or applicable law.
* I agree to pay the full amount within the time frame agreed upon. This refers to but is not limited to Paid in full and paid monthly.
I Agree
I have read and understood the above and by making the purchase I agree to it.
The SIX STEPS Method
Client Scope of Practice Agreement
Agreement Policy
This Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the policies and terms and conditions for the clients of The SIX STEPS Method Program (“Program”) created and facilitated by Guardian Angel Fitness Ltd (the “Company”).
It is common practice for Naturopaths, Nutritionists and other non-licenced practitioners to collect your signature on a form such as this. By doing so you acknowledge and accept that we:
- Are not medically qualified.
- Are not a substitute for advice from a qualified Doctor.
- Recommend that you consult your Doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise regime or taking any dietary supplement.
- Do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information provided.
- Are not liable for any losses you may suffer by relying on our advice.
- Do not recommend any particular product.
By your signature below, and/or by instructing us to provide advice and services to you, you indicate your agreement to these terms.
What we do and do not do
We may obtain a set of laboratory results from Certified Laboratories and provide you with a nutritional and functional interpretation of those test results that you can use exclusively as an educational tool for personal health purposes.
Your Doctor may use the same test results to diagnose and treat disease, but we do not do this.
The information we provide is not intended to, cannot, and should not be expected to be a substitute for a personal consultation with your own qualified Doctor. We do not accept any liability for any failure to identify a medical condition or disease; this is not the purpose of our services.
We may provide you with information relating to products that we believe might benefit you, but such information is not to be taken as an endorsement or recommendation. Some such products may not be available without a prescription, but we do not dispense or prescribe any prescription products. The information provided is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice or used as a substitute for medical care. We are not responsible for any adverse effects of consequences that may result, either directly or indirectly from that information.
* I agree
Consult your Doctor
We are not qualified medical advisors and make no claims to be so. The information we provide should not be taken to be, and is not a substitute for personal medical advice and instruction. You should not take any action based solely on our advice.
You should consult your Doctor;
- For any medical interpretation of your tests
- On any matter relating to your health and wellbeing
- Before making any changes to your exercise or diet
- Before taking any nutritional, herbal, homeopathic or hormonal supplementation
- Before beginning any therapy
* I agree
Exclusion of warranties
We will provide our services to you with reasonable care and skill. But we make no other warranty, express or implied, with respect to those services. All other warranties are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.
We make no warranty as to the accuracy of the laboratory test results we receive.
We make no warranty , expressed or implied, as to the quality or effectiveness of any diagnosis, apparatus, treatment or product. In no event will we be liable for any physical or mental injury or any negative side effects that may arise from the use of any such diagnosis, apparatus, treatment or product.
We believe that the information we provide, including that on our websites, brochures, flyers and information packets, is accurate, but we cannot guarantee such accuracy. We therefore make no warranty as to the accuracy of that information, and it should not be relied upon as being correct, complete or accurate. It is your responsibility to verify such matters independently from primary sources of information and by taking specific professional advice.
* I agree
Exclusion of liability
If you rely on, buy or use a product or therapy, you do so at your own risk. Each person is different, and the way someone reacts to a product or therapy may be significantly different from another. We cannot predict how you may react to any particular product or therapy.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude;
- Any and all liability in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any direct, indirect, special or consequential costs, losses, claims, damages, expenses or proceedings (including but not limited to loss of profits and wasted management time) incurred or suffered by you arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with our services, including but not limited to any loss, damage, or expense arising from any defect, error, imperfection, fault, mistake, or inaccuracy with the information or advice we provide;
- And an all liability for injury or loss arising out of the use of, or reliance on, the laboratory results and/or the dietary, supplement and lifestyle suggestions we may provide;
- Any and all liability for injury or loss arising from any product or treatment you may choose to take;
- Any and all liability for any failure to identify and medical condition or disease. You understand and agree that this is not the purpose of our services.
This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirection or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss or damage to property and claims of third parties.
* I agree
No recommendation
All material and information we may provide about products and therapies is provided solely for educational purposes and for use when discussing your health with your Doctor. By providing you with such material and information, we do not necessarily endorse or promote any such product or therapy.
* I agree
I Agree
I have read and understood the above and by making this purchase I agree to it.